A dental crown or dental cap is a custom-made restoration that covers a tooth with sustained significant loss of structure. They are analogical to being a thimble capped over your finger. Dental crowns are used to repair and preserve teeth to a certain shape and size. Crowns improve the appearance of the tooth as well as provide strength.
A dental crown is an artificial dental prosthesis or a dental restoration that is placed over a weak and damaged tooth to offer it strength and function.
Certain cavities are deep and large and make the tooth weak and fragile. Even teeth that are restored by a Root Canal Treatment should be protected by a tooth cap or crown to prevent further damage. A cap acts like a helmet and protects against any further breakage or tooth decay.
If you are looking for a treatment for missing teeth replacement in Seawoods, reach out to us at the Ivory Dental Clinic.
Over the years technology has been able to bring us advanced caps using different materials with durability, aesthetics, and better fits.
Caps are available in different variants depending on the material, durability, and cost.
Conventionally metal caps used the same technology as jewellery making, where a tooth-shaped die is made by hand and molten metal is poured into it to give the shape of a cap.
This method is in practice for more than 50 years, but not very promising because of the fit issues, as well as the strength of the material as compared to full ceramic caps.
However, metal caps are still used in India because of the cheaper cost of manufacturing. The quality, cost-effectiveness and durability combined makes it a preferred choice for most patients. However, metal caps come with their own set of problems
If you want to know more about crown treatment in Navi Mumbai, visit Ivory Dental Clinic to consult with our experts.
Technological innovations have enhanced the metal cap making procedure and there are not many problems now with computer-assisted designing and milling. The newer metal-based caps are made with digital laser sintering and have relatively been able to solve the problems arising from older metal caps. The new caps however offer better fit and durability.
The full ceramic crowns have completely revolutionized the way teeth look and perform in the mouth, after capping. As they are made up of material like natural teeth, they are gum-friendly and more adaptable to the body. The similarity is such that even patients forget which tooth was capped.
Full ceramic caps are made with a computer-assisted designing and milling process that ensures a precise fit, customized shape and size to suit the patient’s mouth perfectly.
Full ceramic crowns are made of a single block of high strength ceramic. These are strong and can withstand the high pressure of all types of food on the tooth.
These caps come in different varieties based on strength and appearance. Nevertheless, whichever option you choose, the fit and function are close to a natural tooth.
Full ceramic crowns are much sought-after treatment, to beautify one’s smile. As these crowns appear very natural, they are the best choice for front teeth that are discoloured or crooked. The natural appearance of these caps will not make anyone realise that these are artificial caps and enhance your smile to a radiant one.
If you want to keep the durability of metal as well as the aesthetic quality of natural teeth then, Porcelain fused to metal is the ideal solution. These metal crowns have an outer layer made of porcelain that matches the colour of your teeth, making them look natural and white.
These are the new-age crowns that are durable, strong, and have superior aesthetics. They are biocompatible and therefore the best dental crowns to be used on your front and back teeth.
We are a dentist near Seawoods and can be contacted to explore all kinds of Dental treatments.
Dental crowns or caps are protective coverings on fractured or missing teeth to enhance the life of the tooth, as well as to maintain the aesthetic appeal.
Dental crowns not only strengthen the weak tooth but also give a form, shape to the tooth as well as improves appearance.
If your dentist has advised you on getting a crown for your tooth, there are chances that your tooth is already very weak and needs to be restored as soon as possible or to leave it to be extracted. The affected teeth without the dental crown can also damage the adjacent teeth.
The latest technology in dental crowns has presented us with various options and materials that are look-alike of natural teeth. So, it is a misconception that dental crowns do not look normal. Different materials can be used for front and back teeth for their cost-effectiveness and aesthetics.
Crowns are stronger and last long depending on the care and maintenance you are putting at it. One cannot give a lifetime warranty to crowns. However, for preserving your crowns for a longer period you should involve in a regular check at your dentist.
The crowns are made from porcelain and ceramic and therefore they do not stain. Therefore, eating certain foods that can stain your crown is a myth.
The application of crowns is not just restricted to restorative dentistry that is root canal, chipped or broken tooth. Crowns are also used in aesthetically enhancing smiles through cosmetic dentistry for beautiful smiles and white teeth.
Porcelain and ceramic crowns are extremely hard and durable but can break in case you have eaten something extremely hard or faced an accident or trauma.
Crowns are artificial and cannot decay. But the tooth they are covering underneath is real and can decay if dental hygiene is not maintained.
We are the best dental clinic in Seawoods and can be approached for clearing all your doubts and knowing the facts about different dental requirements.
The process of getting a dental crown is a lengthy one and might take a couple of sittings.
Your dentist will give you a list of instructions, to take care of your dental caps so they last longer. We are the best dental clinic near Nerul and can guide you with your crown treatment.
1. All caps and inlays/onlays at our centre are made with utmost precision and are of the assured highest quality. Under ideal conditions, these are made to serve for many years, but any branch of medicine including dental sciences is not an exacting profession. So, one must maintain oral hygiene and follow these instructions to gain maximum benefits of this high-quality restoration in your mouth so that you enjoy your favourite foods.
2. Post-procedure let the anaesthesia wear off. Wait till at least three hours before eating anything. Avoid drinking hot or cold stuff until the anaesthesia has worn off.
3. Ensure not to bite your lip, cheek or tongue till your anaesthesia wears off.
4. Avoid rinsing your mouth for at least half an hour post-treatment.
5. Avoid chewing from the side your crown is cemented at least for a day.
6. A day after the treatment, you can start chewing soft food from the side where the crown is, and within two days gradually progress to having all kinds of food.
7. If you feel discomfort while eating and the bite feels high or heavy, please report to the clinic to get it adjusted.
8. You might experience slight sensitivity and soreness in the gums which is normal and will subside in a few days. For soreness apply Rexidin M Forte gel thrice daily for five days, after food.
9. You might feel slight pain on biting for a few days, this usually subsides in a week.
10. Ensure not to chew on excessively hard and sticky food as these forces might fracture the crown.
11. Avoid using pins, toothpicks on your capped tooth.
12. Avoid grinding or clenching. If you have a habit of clenching/ bruxism/night grinding, kindly talk to your dentist about it.
13. Brushing and flossing should be done regularly and use an interdental brush or water flosser to avoid food getting stuck between the teeth.
A dental bridge is one method to fill a gap created by a missing tooth (or teeth). A dental bridge or pontic is a custom-made false tooth or teeth that are permanently placed between two healthy teeth, filling in the area left by a missing tooth or teeth. The bridge is held in place by crowns placed on the healthy teeth on each side of the space to be filled.
1. Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) dental bridge
2. All-porcelain dental bridge
If you need dental capping treatment at an affordable cost in Seawoods, then feel free to contact us.
The cost of dental crowns depends on the material you are choosing. Dental Crowns may be more expensive than fillings.
The dental crown cost would differ from a case-to-case basis as the fit, material and choices differ. At the Ivory Dental Clinic, we offer high-quality dental crowns of different types, suiting your likes and budget.
Right from teeth cleaning to the most advanced dental treatments, we at the Ivory Dental clinic are one of the best dental clinics in Seawoods.
Dental crowns largely last a good 5-15 years depending on case-to-case dental hygiene, as well as the material used.
Dental crowns are artificial covers and getting used to them might take some time. The procedure of putting crowns does not hurt as anaesthesia is administered. However, there is soreness and sensitivity one must deal with, which goes away with time.
Root Canal Treatment is a thorough cleaning of the infected pulp inside the tooth. Therefore, to provide strength to the tooth, a crown is a must in any root canal treatment.
Temporary crowns are used for a shorter period as your permanent crown is prepared in the lab. The temporary crown is not strong and therefore needs to be taken care of.
The entire procedure of evaluating your teeth to fix the final crown would take anything between one to two weeks and would involve two to three sittings.
The dental crowns are made to fit as per individual specifications and therefore taking into consideration the shade, form, and shape of the tooth.
There is a slight soreness and discomfort initially and it will wane off in a couple of days.
Dental crowns need more care as they are not your natural teeth. There is certainly going to be wear and tear with time, but with good oral care, the crown can last longer. The crown can be subjected to the same dental care as your natural teeth, that is including brushing and flossing as a routine. Avoid sticky and chewy food that might get lodged on the teeth. Avoid having extremely hard food too.
If you are looking for dental crowns and bridges cost in Seawoods, call us at Ivory Dental Clinic to know more.