
Root Canal Specialist in Seawoods, Navi Mumbai

Dr. Siddhi Nevrekar

Consultant Root Canal specialist

Dr. Siddhi is our highly efficient Endodontist and Root Canal Specialist who is widely known and cherished for her ability to perform single day painless root canal treatments. She has completed her BDS from Terna Dental College and her MDS from YCMM and RDF Dental College, Ahmednagar in the years 2013 and 2019 respectively. She has been working for about 8 years and has been successfully performing all kinds of root canal procedures ranging from simple to extremely complex.

She has treated approximately 2000 happy and satisfied patients in her career till date. Apart from being a passionate clinician, she also has a passion for travelling. Dr. Siddhi’s vision as a doctor is to teach each of her patients with utmost care and compassion and work towards enhancing patients’ overall well being.